Exit Saudi Arabia Illegally

Why would you need to leave Saudi Arabia Illegally?


There are many people working in Saudi Arabia who find themselves for one reason or another living there illegally and then wish to know how to escape from Saudi Arabia. It has happened to myself as a westerner once and I know many others who have had problems.

If you overstay your visa, or fail to renew your Iqama (Saudi residency permit) then you become an illegal and as such you could be imprisoned and fined if you try to leave the country. The fine is actually the responsibility of your sponsor but there could be problems if the sponsor claims that you are a runaway or some other problem that forced them to be unable to renew your visa or Iqama and you could be imprisoned whilst the argument is resolved.


Overstayed your Saudi Visa?


Exit Saudi Arabia Illegally

If your Visa expires you will be an Illegal.

Should you find yourself illegal then you have few options, you cannot renew the visa once it is expired, nor the Iqama – unless you have a friend that works in the right department in the government and the bribe to go with it. I have heard of a few people who have managed to do this but not many.

You have to leave, if you are a westerner and your company is supporting you then you may be lucky and avoid any delays by your sponsor and yourself throwing yourselves to the mercy of the staff at the airport, on a good day with the payment of fines you could leave; on a bad day you could find yourself in jail for a day or three whilst the problem is investigated.

If your sponsor is not supporting you and offering to pay fines then you may have more severe problems and your jail time could be much longer whilst the problems are sorted out.

If you are not from the west, a runaway or on bad terms with your sponsor then your problems may be more severe. There are camps of people wanting to return home under a bridge in Jeddah, these people rely on handouts of food to survive or work illegally whilst they wait for someone to decide who will pay for them to be returned home. In addition to this camp there are often makeshift camps outside places such as the Philippines Embassy, Indonesian Embassies etc.

The people on these camps are generally ignored by the police as no one will agree as to whose responsibility it is to send these many illegals back to their countries; therefore many people remain at these camps for extended periods until either the Saudi government finds funds or the various embassies find the money to return a planeload back home.


How to Escape Saudi Arabia


Should you however want to leave the country without risking several weeks in a Saudi jail then there are ways to leave, however they do cost money!

My wife was an illegal when we met, she had gone to Saudi years before and her sponsor had decided to move to Riyadh from Jeddah; my wife had family in Jeddah and did not want to move so her sponsor agreed that she could remain in Jeddah to find work under the “supervision” of the licensing officer who was looking after her passport and her Iqama. However she ended up working for a hospital which did not want to get an iqama for her and her iqama eventually expired. The licensing officer gave her a letter to say that her iqama was under processing in case she was stopped but she was now officially an illegal worker in KSA.

After we married I wanted to get her onto my visa as my dependent but she had to go home first, her licensing officer said that he could get her home as he had a small group waiting to return home but it would cost 10,000SAR. We agreed and handed over the money and waited for the call as we were informed we would have just 48hours notice of the flight. However after 2 months of waiting we decided to ask around and find another route.

We were introduced to a Saudi who said that he could take my wife home without problem for 8,000 SAR, payable on the day if we did not trust him which sounded good! We had the other money returned after a few angry calls and went with the new guy.

We met him at the airport where he was waiting with another woman who was also returning home with him, he explained that he normally flew every month and took 2 to 4 people with him each time which funded his stay and flight each time. He had brothers that worked in the airport and it was they who would “check” paperwork before leaving the country and boarding the flight – he just had to ensure that he organized flights to correspond with his brothers duties. My wife and the other woman were nervous but everything went fine, they walked through the emigration checks without problem and boarded no problem at all.


Escape from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain


The second story relates to myself and the family (wife and three young children) of a friend. The company we worked for managed to balls up my visa and I became illegal and I was told that I would have to try to leave from Dammam airport as they are not as good at checking, but if I were caught I would probably go to jail for a few days and have to pay a fine of 10,000SAR (I know now that the fine is the responsibility of your sponsor not you, but my employer tried to persuade me that it was my problem!)

My friend’s family joined him on a dependent visa, however the HR department got it all wrong and they were on a vacation visa which they had overstayed unknowingly (The visas are in Arabic so they did not know.) My friend discovered when he found a couple of sheets of Arabic in a pile of papers for him to sign, when he asked what the papers were he was told they were just routine papers and safe for him to sign. Smelling a rat he found someone to read them for him and discovered that the letters were from him to the ministry taking responsibility for his family overstaying their visa as he had mistakenly applied for the wrong visa and could not understand Arabic so was not aware of the mistake until too late! So not only had the HR department made the mistake they then tried their best to frame him for their problem!

As you can imagine my friend was not very happy about this situation as he was advised the same as I was and his wife was even less than happy about risking being taken to a Saudi jail! With us both having similar problems we made inquiries through some of the contacts we had made in the kingdom and were put in touch with a shady character who said he could get us out of the country without problem over the bridge to Bahrain.

So we made the arrangements and agreed to meet this guy in the services as you drive onto the causeway on a Wednesday night when it was very busy. We waited there for over an hour as the guy was late, he answered no phone calls while we waited and we began to think we had made the journey there in vain.

Eventually he did turn up and said for us to follow him onto the bridge and stay directly behind him all the way through the first checkpoint. When you drive over the bridge from Saudi to Bahrain there are several checkpoints each one checking different things.

The first checkpoint is to ensure that the driver of the car is the owner (or has hired) of the car in question, once we had passed this checkpoint the guy got out of his car and swapped places with our driver. I should add at this point that our “fixer” spoke no English and we no Arabic so things were a little tense as we had no idea what he was going to do. My friend’s wife was very close to tears and so were the three young girls in the car who had picked up on their mothers nervousness.

Wednesday night is about the busiest night to get across the bridge as many Saudis and expats want to cross to go to Bahrain for drinking and the many girls who “work” there. The queue therefore is huge and very slow moving, which made things even worse. After a few more yards our driver took a left between a set of buildings in the center of the causeway all the way through to the opposite side of the bridge and began to drive against the flow of traffic coming from Bahrain.

He stopped alongside another set of buildings about 50 yards from the last checkpoint coming from Bahrain. A security guard from the checkpoint walked down to our car and had a conversation with our driver. A box was handed over and then all of our passports which were then taken by this uniformed officer back to the checkpoint.

The passports were then returned after a tense wait of about 15 minutes and our driver took another small alleyway between the buildings to return to the other side of the bridge and back into the normal flow of traffic towards Bahrain. We then had to stop for my friend to fill out the forms to allow his wife and children to travel at the office just before the checkpoint where the passports and visas are checked. Women and children cannot travel without the permission of their husbands or fathers.

We then nervously approached the checkpoint and the passports were taken, briefly inspected and returned to us without problem and we continued into Bahrain without any problems looking forward to a very cold beer.

The passports had all been stamped to show that we had recently entered the kingdom and that we were within the time allowed for our visas, so unless someone really checked all of the dates and stamped in detail they would not notice any problem. Thus we were able to pass through and leave the kingdom, stressfuly but safely.


Saudi Arabia can be a difficult country in which to deal with problems however it is also a very corrupt country, with the right inquiries and enough cash you can always find someone that can solve your problems for you somehow such as finding a way how to escape Saudi Arabia.

250 comments for “Exit Saudi Arabia Illegally

  1. Ben Hack
    July 15, 2012 at 3:18 am


    I’m a Saudi citizen facing some kind of travel ban n i wanted to inquire about how I can leave illegally either to UAE by plane or to Bahrain through the causeway.

    Thanks in advance for ur co-operation.

    Cordially Yours,

    • admin
      July 16, 2012 at 12:24 am

      Hi Ben,

      If you are a Saudi citizen I am sure that you will be able to find some friends at the airport who will help you through the checks or some friends at the causeway who will just wave you through for a few riyals. I am afraid I can’t just give out my contacts on here or even in emails to people who I do not know as you never know who may be actually asking!
      Just start networking and asking around, there will always be someone who will help you to leave Saudi for a price.

      • zulfiqar
        March 3, 2014 at 3:37 am

        sir i ma wanted in Saudi for illegal video case. but sir i am cam back Pakistan with out fingerprint. and sir i want to go Bahrain so sir tell me it is possible or not…

      • ronexs
        November 1, 2014 at 3:52 am

        my friend im from philippines i just want to ask how to exit saudi illegaly i need your help my friend

      • stock holm
        April 16, 2016 at 1:07 pm

        Good Day sir.. i just want to inquire about exit re entry visa.. Im from jeddah but i want to exit in riyadh is it possible? is there any no conflict or problem about it? please reply ASAP..


      • Areej
        September 16, 2016 at 6:27 pm

        I am a woman from syria I have one child and I have iqama in KSA.My husband is syrian he does not treat me well and wont let me leave to my country. He has my son’s passport. Can you help me how can I leave KSA with my child? Please give me any solution. I am badly treated since years and I want an exit.

    • Ranjeet nirmal
      March 24, 2016 at 3:47 am

      Hi ,
      My self ranjeet from Indian I had came here in the last year Nov 2015.
      Just need your guidance I need my anuly vacation but company not providing my leave and they told u have to get ur leave after 2 year but I had not yet singned any contact note or something and I m asking for the my contact note they also not providing. So plz help in this case wt should I do .
      I had just company job offer as a written evidence nthng more even I had visit Indian consulate as well bt they don’t solutions for that those people are siting not for helping.

      Waiting for ur rply.

      Ranjeet nirmal

  2. Kano
    August 2, 2012 at 11:17 pm

    I’m an American mom with a 10 year-old American daughter. We’re both illegal, shiftless, homeless, and completely broke with no family in KSA. I came under a work . visa and my daughter was under a resident visa. Our igama has never been processed and we’ve been here over a year. I’ve been in and out immigration offices in different cities trying to go home, or get sent home, but nothing worked. I even contacted the 2nd biggest dude from the top of the immigration in Riyad, and he didn’t do anything. I went to my own American embassy in Jeddah and i was sent away and was told by the US embassy personel that getting help from the US embassy was a myth. please help

    • admin
      August 9, 2012 at 4:12 pm

      Hi Kano
      My suggestion to you would be to get in touch with as many of your fellow countrymen as you can there in Saudi and see if any of them will help find you a way out or provide you with funding from their more than reasonable salaries. I am sure that having a 10 year old daughter will tug at a few heartstrings and help you to get out eventually. There is always someone that will know someone….

      Also who is your sponsor? If you came to work they are responsible for ensuring that you had an Iqama unless you have run away! They should be able to get you out and if you are not a runaway will be responsible for any fines at the airport.

      You have to help yourself and get to as many people as you can, there is no one there that will help you otherwise.

      Failing that all you can do is sit on the street in front of your embassy until either they or the Saudis are embarrassed into sending you home.
      Keep us informed of your progress.

      • Kano
        August 31, 2016 at 6:04 pm

        Things went worse, so i lost track of things. Yes, i was fired and couldn’t leave because i couldn’t leave my daughter behind. So, i am a runaway. I couldn’t take her and leave, even though i came with her alone, because her dad is her sponsor and he refused her to leave. Make a long story short, I went to court and tried to get her, it took forever. I don’t have money to pay a fine off course. Since I’m a runaway, who pays the fine? Can you tell me how to get a hold of those people who help you PLEASE?

    • saad
      October 20, 2012 at 11:25 am

      hi ungot ur problem solved?

      • Kano
        August 31, 2016 at 6:05 pm


    • mark
      March 2, 2015 at 6:57 pm

      Hi are you stil in saudi?is your problem solved?

      • Kano
        August 31, 2016 at 5:51 pm

        Hi Mark, I just recently checked back the article. Is there a way you can give me your email. My problem is not solved.

  3. Mori
    September 23, 2012 at 8:11 am

    Im an american woman and i have a 2yr old. My husband refuses to allow us to return home even for a visit. Its been almost a year now and ive just had it!! i cant take living here any longer and i cant seem to find anyone to help me. I have no access to other americans bc i havent ever been to the embassy and rarely go out of the house. Any advise?

    • admin
      November 7, 2012 at 5:23 pm

      Hi Mori,
      I am sorry to say that you are not alone in your predicament. You cannot travel and nor can your child without the permission of your husband – at least not legally.
      You could try going to your embassy but from my experience and the people that I have spoken to you will not get any official help.
      Your only way is to network with as many of your fellow Americans until you find someone who knows someone who can smuggle you out in some way.
      It will not be easy at all..

      • Angela
        January 23, 2016 at 10:19 am

        I have two american daughters that need out, please please please help me
        Call me @8433041140
        They are in an orphanage now in Jeddah and American consulate has been trying to help
        Please help
        Thank you

  4. anna
    September 26, 2012 at 2:19 am

    my german italian boyfriend is stuck in saudi. its been 5 months now. He was exporting his equipment at the port. ran into troubles. we paid up he went to leave via ruh. after sleeping the airport for 10 days we paid to have is exit visa rushed. came back denied. the goverment says he owes over 100k. they r never gonna let him go. we dont have that type of money. how to find someone to fly him out?

    • admin
      November 7, 2012 at 4:36 pm

      Hi Anna,

      Debt is a major problem and your BF will not be released until the debts are paid. If he has not been arrested for non-payment then he needs to find a way to leave as quickly as possible. He should ask around all the expats he knows until he finds someone who will be able to introduce him to someone that can get him out.
      There are many routes from airport staff who will help him through the emigration to people that will drive him through the desert. But he will have to start asking around to find someone.
      Do not part with any money until you are very sure and if possible pay on exit. Especially if someone will drive him through the desert!!

  5. Bipin Varankar
    October 21, 2012 at 4:59 am


    This is Bipin, I need a help, I am a software engineer working for Indian company, and here in Riyadh – KSA I came on 2nd April 2012 on visit visa for our client for 6 months. My visa was valid for 14 days. But after that our client never renewed my visa, and now its 6 months past our project got over. While time of leaving he informed about all this.

    Now from past 25 days our client and we are trying to renew past 6 months visa by some or other way like finding some contacts and giving money, so we can go from here safely. But nothing is working out. Now I came to know that Jawazat is close and open only after eid. So is there any other way? We are ready to pay to get visas stamped or even we are ready to pay fine and get exit stamped on my passport. So there is no problem about paying money and even the sponsor is with us, only problem is we don’t have any contacts and don’t know what all procedures are. So can you help me in this? It will be great if anything you can suggest us or give information.

    What are Jawazat office timings? When exactly holidays for eid will start? And if I want to go by paying fine for overstay, then what are the procedures for it and it can be done in this period and how much time does it takes?


    • admin
      November 7, 2012 at 4:48 pm

      Hi Bipin,

      Overstaying a visa is generally punishable by a fine if you go to the airport to leave; 10,000 SAR…

      You will be allowed to leave on paying the fine.

  6. Iak
    November 2, 2012 at 3:48 pm


    Iam an Indian, and i was working in Saudi Arabia for 5 yrs, during my sixth year in KSA i came to my sponsoring company, and surprised to know that my sponsoring company got closed due to some Govt. Case and they send back all the Manpower to their home countries, a year back.completely. I was working in other company in Dammam and returned to my sponsoring company for renewal of my Iqama but in vain. I paid to some independant agent, whom arranged the saudi person at the Airport and managed with his relative working in the Ariport staff and returned INDIA.

    Is it possible for me to reenter Saudi Arabia or to visit any other country ARAB on New Visa, i had given Finger Prints in Dammam, nearly 3 years back.

    Thanking you in Advance….


    • admin
      November 7, 2012 at 5:25 pm

      Hi Iak,

      You will have no problem returning to Saudi or any other country as long as you did not leave debts or have any other legal cases against you.
      You are able to return on a new visa after one year.

      • A.MN
        July 1, 2016 at 2:49 pm

        Hi .. Me and my sister are trying to get out of saudi and we don’t have passports and id’s even though we are Saudis and thats because my father is the only one who can allow us to get a passport and id’s and i’m sure he would , we are disgusted here and can’t wait to live like normal independent people that why we are trying to get out by any way possible .. The only thing that we have that will maybe get us out is 200 thousand Riyals .. I was hoping that you give us the the number or the email of the guy who got you wife out .

      • Jason
        August 15, 2016 at 10:52 pm

        Hi Admin,

        If you absconded and exit from Saudi Arabia without finishing your employment contract, is it possible for you to come back and work in saudi arabia after 1 year?

  7. mira
    November 14, 2012 at 4:04 am

    hi my name is mira please i need someone’s help i wanna leave riyadh with out asking my sponsor ship for exit can any one help me please please please some one help me hope u reply me back
    thank u

    • admin
      November 14, 2012 at 12:55 pm

      Hi Mira

      It is very difficult and often very expensive to leave if you are trying to leave illegally. The best thing if possible is to ask your sponsor for a vacation and just not to return. If that is not possible I could suggest that you ask around your friends until you find someone that knows someone ho an smuggle you out through the airport.
      Good luck, if you need more information feel free to leave another comment or email me directly.

      • abdul rauf
        September 18, 2015 at 8:09 pm

        Iam indian working in saudi arabia,dammam,i came before 3 months i want to go back to india,my passport is with my company,i have only iqama,any how i want to go .legall or illegal

        • Jhervinno ali
          April 11, 2016 at 3:52 am

          Sir.. Can u give me a contact to those people willing to help for the illegally here in ksa riyadh… Im one of them.. I want to come back in phils. Im hoping..

      • Abdul Rauf
        February 9, 2016 at 2:14 am

        Iam Abdul Rauf from india,working in al khobar ksa from 8 months,I have my passport and Iqama with me,Can i go to india without exit re entry,whatsaap or imo msg me +966-551203519 plz sir,iam in problem help me

    • Vijay
      January 8, 2013 at 5:04 am

      Hi mira please tell me any ideas iam also go my id vijaymallah@yahoo.com

      • mohd.shokat ali
        June 18, 2014 at 8:58 pm

        i am escape from my sponsor illegal in 2007 no crime or any struggle, debt,can i again enter into ksa. please any one help me for this reply.

  8. GK
    November 15, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    Hi, My father is working in Saudi as a labor and he is an Indian. For the past two years his visa not renewed by his hotel owner(not only his visa all labors working in his hotel). Whenever he is asking for his iqqama renewal they are just saying that “nowadays it is very difficult to renew the visa, all visa process are computerized”, like this reason.

    He don’t have any friends or other people to help there. And even he cannot go outside also because of his visa expired.

    Is there any way my father can exit from Saudi Arabia, he don’t want to go back to Saudi again.

    If you want any more details about this please don’t hesitate to contact me in email or comment.

    • admin
      December 10, 2012 at 9:18 pm

      Hi GK,

      Your father and the other workers at the hotel should contact your home embassy for help. They will advise them as to how to start a case against their employer who is responsible for this situation. They will also likely be able to help your father to exit saudi legally.

  9. flipchip
    November 16, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    good day,

    my wife escaped her sponsor and went to immgration last 2008, after 2 years i process her visa to come here in KSA under my sponsorship. upon arriving to dammam airport the immigration stops her and told her that she has a record and will not be allowed to enter the kingdom for 5 years. my question is if i again re apply for a visa on 2013 will she be able to get inside the kingdom without any problem?

    thank you and more power.

    • admin
      December 10, 2012 at 9:20 pm

      Hi Flipchip, if they have told her not to return for 5 years then I don’t see any reason not to try again after this. However I cannot give you a definitive yes or no as I do not work for the immigration department.

  10. gopu
    November 20, 2012 at 1:35 am

    Hello All,
    I am from kerala, India. IS there any way to go back to home by any way if my sponsor is not allowing leave after one year. I asked him leave but he is not ready to do so. i am in an urgent situation i told him but he is not willing to give me leave so i am asking if there is any way and how much amount will it cost and how many days

    • admin
      December 10, 2012 at 9:21 pm

      Hi Gopu
      You can contact your embassy who may be able to help you by contacting your sponsor on your behalf. However if you run away and try to leave illegally you have to be aware that this is both expensive and very difficult.

  11. mira
    November 20, 2012 at 4:29 am


    • admin
      December 10, 2012 at 9:24 pm

      Hi Mira

      I really wish that I could help you to leave but unfortunately there is little that I or anyone else can do for you within Saudi Arabia. All you can do is appeal to your fathers better nature and ask him to let you leave.
      Leaving through other routes will be expensive and very risky. There are more people that will take your money saying they will help than will actually provide you with help.

  12. hussain
    November 20, 2012 at 4:31 am

    Salam Alaikum, Nationality : Indian. I have a problem in bringing my newborn baby ( 40 days old ) from Jeddah to Dubai. I would appriciate your involment and help in this matter. Im an indian working in Dubai, where as my wife is an indian passport holder living in Mecca, Jeddah under her dad’s sponsership. Now she has delivered the baby in Holy Mecca and baby has a valied passport. I have applied and sent UAE Visa to baby, but emigration not allowing my baby to travel to UAE with her mother and asking us first to find and include baby under any sponser and then only they will put the EXIT Entry on baby’s passport and allow him to travel. We are unable to add baby under mother name, as mother herself is under her dads sponsership. Baby cant be added under fathers sponsership, as father has only UAE residence visa. Indian Embassy in Jeddah has already issued a letter stating that baby was born in Holy Mecca and has a valid passport. I would appreciate your involment in this matter and hope that you will advise the department to put EXIT enty on my baby’s passport at the earliest. JazakAlla Khair

    • Naza
      February 4, 2016 at 5:06 am

      How did you manage to move your wife to dubai? Pls can you help on this matter.coz one family is stuck with same problem now.

  13. AG
    December 5, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    I was wondering about the legal consequence of travelling illegally without a husband’s consent. Are there strict and fixed punishments or consequences?

    If a woman was able to forge the guardianship consent, what happens upon her return. Any sources that may help?


  14. MOE
    December 13, 2012 at 1:52 pm

    My fiance lives is KSA and she got a fiance visa to come to the States however her iqama is expired and its taking way too long to get renewed, I was wondering can she leave without iqama and just get a final exit from KSA?

    • admin
      December 23, 2012 at 2:50 pm

      If her Sponsor supports her exit and pays any relevant fines then she will be able to leave, however in my experience most sponsors will make you wait until the iqama is processed if it has already expired rather than risk any problems. Of course you then face the problem of the sponsor refusing to still issue an exit visa when they have gone to the expense of getting the iqama renewed.

  15. Anuraj
    December 15, 2012 at 3:09 am

    I reached Saudi on Sep 21st on a 90days work visa, due to Nationalization my sponsor is under yellow category and they are unable to issue my IQAMA.My company is compelling me to overstay.What should I do?Please advice me since I have only 5 more days for the visa expiry.

    • admin
      December 23, 2012 at 2:51 pm

      Leave before the expiration of your visa if you have no Iqama or anything in writing / stamped in your passport to extend your stay officially.

  16. em
    December 29, 2012 at 1:55 am

    my daughter doesn’t have iqama, she is now 8month old. is it possible to send her in our country without the iqama?
    please help.

    • admin
      January 25, 2013 at 7:51 pm

      Hi em,

      Talk to your sponsor to get your problem sorted out, assuming you have an iqama this should not be a difficult problem to solve.

  17. Ahmed
    December 30, 2012 at 12:18 am

    Asalam Alaikum.

    Asalam Alaikum.

    I’m a pakistani my iqama expired about 2 years ago I learned from a friend that my sponsor has reported me a run away. I wanted to know what will happen if I’m caught by police. My iqama and passport are both with my wakil (not kafil) or either with jawadad. There is a company here in jeddah they are asking me to transfer my sponsorship to it. is it possible for me to get my iqama renewed and transfered to that company. As you have guessed by now my wakil is not supportive and is not willing to renew my iqama and I have no knowledge of my kafil where he is or where he works.

    • admin
      January 25, 2013 at 7:52 pm

      Hi Ahmed

      If you are a runaway and do not have access to your passport then you are not going to be able to transfer your sponsorship, nor are you going to be able to leave easily. I would suggest that you go to your embassy to start sorting this problem out as they will be able to tell you your options.

  18. Kamran
    December 30, 2012 at 11:22 pm

    I really like this blog and the guidance it gives to us expats. I came to saudi arabia last year on may 2011 and its about 19 months now. I gave my Iqama for renewal 4 months ago to my khafeel and he hasn’t renewed till now after some time he is saying that he is not able to renew and willing to give transfer letter to anywhere. My present company is willing to give me transfer but they will be able to do it after two months. I am already 4 months overdue and waiting for another two months will make it 6 months being illegal.

    Q1: Will my company be able to transfer me with expired Iqama? Is there good possibility that i will eventually get my Iqama renewed?

    Q2: I have found a person that says he can renew my Iqama for a amount. Can he do that without my khafeel help? how would i know it will be legitimate once he does it? (As there is no online system to check validity)

    What is the best option should I take? my company or the other person?

    Please advice or guide me in the right direction.
    Thank you brother.

    • admin
      January 25, 2013 at 7:55 pm

      Hi Kamran

      Your sponsor will be able to transfer you even if your iqama is out of date due to him not renewing it, he and your new employer will figure it out!

      Do not pay someone else to “solve” your problem, they will probably just take your money and deliver nothing!

  19. miriam
    January 15, 2013 at 2:53 am

    plz i need help i live in jeddah and i have 2 kids and i am from europe i want to exit saudi arabia but i dont know how

    • admin
      January 25, 2013 at 8:09 pm

      Hi Miriam,

      I have answered your emails. The problem in Saudi is that once you marry a Saudi man they then control your movements and those of your children. Without his permission you and especially the children are trapped there.

  20. Ali
    January 15, 2013 at 3:49 am

    dear admin any legal way to leave the Jeddah for Pakistan because sponsor is not giving passport and iqama is also expired..thanks alot

    • admin
      January 25, 2013 at 8:10 pm

      Hi Ali,

      contact your embassy for help.

    • Ateeq Ahamed Mohammed
      June 14, 2015 at 8:03 pm

      Hi, I am on personal driver visa working in a cargo company as operation supervisor in Jeddah Saudi Arabia,it’s 3 month pass, but now i have some family problem in India, and i need badly to go India, but sponsor is not ready to arrange exit visa,is there any way to escape or leave..Please advice me

  21. Rakesh Jindal
    January 15, 2013 at 9:16 pm

    Hi, I am working in Saudi Arabia,it,s 4 month pass, but now i have some family problem in India, and i need badly to go India, but there is no way, because it,s only 4 month ,and the co where i working is a small establishment company, is there any way to escape or leave..Please advice me

    • admin
      January 25, 2013 at 8:11 pm

      Hi Rakesh

      You will need to talk to your sponsor and plead your case. But do not expect much help as most sponsors will not help.

      • sean andrew yu
        June 12, 2015 at 10:14 pm

        good day admin

        i have a question,im working here in dammam saudi arabia,but now i have a plan to resign,i know i need to buy my own ticket for me no problem.
        my question is,it is possible to exit in riyadh to phillipines even if im here in dammam…

      • Shahid khan
        July 13, 2015 at 8:09 pm

        My name is Shahid. I am runaway to my sponser.if I surrender to police he send me to my home country. My mother is very sick. Help me. And

  22. Sijuraj
    January 27, 2013 at 11:47 pm

    Am Siju ,
    Am Indian 1.5 year befor I was work in Saudi Arabia when my vacation I can’t go back Saudi Arabia if possible to go any other country … Please reply ….
    Thank you …

  23. razzak
    January 29, 2013 at 6:15 am

    Dear Friend

    My name is Razzak, I am from India. I came to saudi arabia about 2.5 month ago on Azad Visa, I dint got the Iqama? I want to ask before getting the iqama is there any possibility that i can leave this country, I have emergency problem at my home. My mother got seriously sick. Please happy me out of this problem, is there any way to leave saudi arabaia quickly.

    thanks please reply me.

  24. Me
    January 30, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    Dear All

    Just sharing some experiences and at the same needed few advise.

    In 2010 i worked in Saudi for a year with a private company, upon expiry of contract i left the Kingdom legally & safely. Manage to obtain Iqama & Saudi Driving License during the period.

    Eight month after that i came back on Commercial Visa (validity 3 mth) to a different company on contract basis. Each month i have to go to Bahrain border for renewed my visa. Yes, i overstayed for 9 months (my sponsor ask to stay actually) but after paid the fine i left Saudi safely to my homeland.

    Within few months i came back again on new Commercial Visa (validity 3 mth) with same company and did the same thing..OVERSTAYED. But this time around i was not so lucky because during the stamped at border the date has already expired 2 days (mistaken of calculation on date due to hijri&gregorian calender) and not permitted to enter Bahrain but some how rather I manage to enter Saudi border back (with border taxi)..quite strange..i wasn’t stop by the immigration. Then I overstayed for couple of month..ILLEGALY!! During Eid I wanted to go back to my homeland. Then there was a problem..I wanted to paid the fine (done by 3rd party) they told me ‘you have exit..how can you be here’..then I remember during my last encounter at the border previously. However, I was very lucky because my boss manage to get contact with the border top officer in the immigration department to clear my name. From there I was deported from causeway and catch a flight in Bahrain airport back to my homeland safely without paying a single cents. The officer said I could be fine SR10,000.00..lucky me!!

    Again, now im back in Saudi with a new Commercial Visa (now validity 6 mth) with same company just a month plus here. New problem arise during getting my visa stamped at border recently due to my 30 days expiry date, I was told by immigration im not allow to enter Bahrain. I just assume maybe the problem I encounter before so they prevent me to enter Bahrain but can go exit to other country. The problem here is that on that day was already day 30 @ 9.30pm. There is no way I can leave the Kingdom within the time limit.
    Nevertheless, my visa still valid for another 5 month it just not renewed every 30 days. Now had passed two month without renewed the visa.

    My question here:

    1. If I got caught by authority wondering around the Kindgdom will they held me in their custody eventhough my visa not expired 6 month period.

    2. Can I still travel to Mecca/Medina since at check point the police do random check. Will they notice the expiry date and might asked why not renewed.

    3. Should I pay the heavy fine now and stayed then every 30 days I exit the Kingdom OR just wait for coming Eid, I pay the penalty & exit.

    4. On my Saudi Driving License (expired 2017) i believe is not valid because it must come under our Iqama. Incase if i been stoped by the police can i just show that as a proof i once do have driving license.

    Please advise. Thank you..Me.

  25. jagadish
    February 2, 2013 at 11:46 pm

    One of my friend came to KSA on work visa.
    After his arrival 90 days completed in KSA. But still his iqama is
    not processed. After inquiring about the status recently we came to
    know that the sponsor is in prison. Now he want to exit at any cost.
    Kindly give us some solution or all the possible ways for which we may
    be thankful.

  26. Cris2013
    February 5, 2013 at 7:25 pm

    Dear Admin,

    I would like to know whether I can still go back to Saudi Arabia to work after being imprisoned there for 2 months. The charges against me were 1) seducing a Saudi man to have sex and 2) possession of pornography. I strongly believe it was a set up by my Saudi boss because when I arrive in Saudi Arabia in 2009, he kept asking me to have sex with him. I always said no so he asked me if I can provide him pornography instead. I downloaded and saved the files in a hard drive that only the two of us know. In 2011, I started complaining about the work arrangement because his duties as a Training Manager were given to me without any salary of position adjustment. It came to a point that he shouted to the HR Manager (a Saudi and also his best friend) that it’s either him or me that should leave the company. A week after that incident, a religious police visited the office. On the same day, my Saudi office mate (his assistant) asked me if he can go to my house to have his computer checked. I thought that it was no problem because people in the office asked for my help in terms of IT stuff. The following day, when we went to my house, the Saudi office mate brought no computer and he was in a hurry to leave. When I was already at the gate, the same religious police who visited the office the previous day caught me. The Saudi office mate just rode his car and drive away.

    During the court sentencing, I was given 2 months of imprisonment and 130 lashes for the reasons I mentioned earlier. I came home to Manila in May 2012 (I overstayed in prison for three months because according to the police, my paper was being processed). When I completed the 2 month sentence and the lashes, my company requested to have me back while waiting for my exit papers but I said no because I feared what the Training Manager will do. For the past few weeks, I have been receiving good job offers from companies in Saudi Arabia. I would like to go back there to work but I am not sure how long the ban would be or if I am permanently banned to work there.

    Please give advice on my concern.

    Thank you very much.

  27. February 21, 2013 at 3:14 am

    SALAM TO ALL, my name is naseem abbasi and i am from pakistan. Actually my brother went to saudi arabia in may 2012 on work visa of a construction company which is working in madinah, but when my brother reached there he found that the salary package and other facilities were not as he was told by the agency in pakistan. so what he did is that he left that company and somehow reach in riyadh. he left his passport in that company, now he was illegal in saudi arabia as he don’t have his passport, or any other ID with him. so now he is illegal and he want to come back to pakistan, but when he reported to police that he is illegal, police arrest him and the arabic officer who can let him come back to pakistan sent him back from jail saying that i will only sign your papers and let you go back to pakistan if you pay me 8000 riyals, so now he can not afford that much amount, so please please please can any one of you tell me that what should he do now to come back to pakistan…. please some one tell me..

  28. Lynn
    February 27, 2013 at 8:09 pm

    I live in the UK and am a british female citizen. I want to help get a Women out of saudi, she is emotionally abused and trapped. Is there any way for me to approach some one in he UK embassy to get help to seek asylum here in the UK for her? There is allot more to this situation but for safety reasons I don’t want to say to much on here. Her father is elderly and un well, for sure will not let her leave alone, even for a vacation. Any help and information would be appreciated. Thank you.

  29. Monique
    March 1, 2013 at 2:06 am

    Thanks for sharing the info. I hope all who needed help on this website are now safe and happy somewhere else.
    Can you please explain between iqama and visa?
    I heard people must give 10,000 Riyals fine for overstaying their visa (hajj, umra, visit, business).
    How about iqama is not valid anymore? Is there a fine or one can contact/inform the authority to get it renewed even the kafeel may refuse ?
    I hope all are safe..

  30. kate france
    March 1, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    Hi i am doing a creative writing task about journeys and my journey is a Saudi woman escaping an abusive marriage and moving to another country, considering in the story she can tell no on of her plans, how could i go about writing her escape? is there a sneaky way out like through boat of plane?

  31. Barni
    March 3, 2013 at 3:32 pm

    Hi ,

    I am from India and now working in Saudia, i came under company visa this is my 1st visit to Saudi. My visa had already expired and my sponsor had abscond because he has to pay 2,50,000 SAR to Saudi Govt. while contacting the Jhawasad Office they have taken my passport.Now I dont know what to do ?? kindly please give me a valid suggestion.

  32. Jack2
    March 7, 2013 at 3:08 pm

    Hi Admin,

    I landed KSA on 2005 and struggled a lot to find my sponsor as the visa was taken from a travel agency here in India. I haven’t received my Iqama at that time and I approached a guy to arrange exit illegally. I exit from KSA illegally on 2005 and my questions are :

    1) Is it possible for me to re-enter KSA again?
    2) How to check whether my sponsor has filed a runaway complaint?
    3) If he has filed a complaint, I will be stopped at the immigration if I re-enter? Right?

    Thanks in Advance,

  33. missy
    March 13, 2013 at 3:01 am

    Thanks for the blog… I am an American woman living in Jeddah who is not able to leave with my daughter. I’d like to know how I can pay to leave from Jeddah. How do I find someone who I can pay? How can I find a contact?

  34. sonia
    March 13, 2013 at 8:24 pm

    Hi , firstly i would like to thank the admin for advising and guiding all with expat legal issues .

    I am born n bought up in saudia my father worked here n we have no connection with any relative back in my country Pakistan . My father was suffering with physiological disorder and for better treatment he decided to visit pakistan and get back after going he stayed with his brother and un fortunately back his sickness got worst and he was admitted in hospital he could remmember anyone or anything .since he didnt return his iqama got cancelled frm system and since i was onhis iqama my iqama is also cancelled also my mother passed away ,my uncle (my fathers brother in pakistan) is not ready to take my responsibility of any kind n i have no one in pakistan my brother is in saudi and i want to get transferred on his iqama but i do not have iqama in the system and this is the issue i dont know how to over come this issue without going to pakistan …….pls advice best options …thanks

  35. sunil yadaw
    March 26, 2013 at 1:59 am

    I am sunil yadaw from india,i want go back to india,,,,,bcoz i had runway on befor 2 year,and my iqama will finished in april,i have no passport ,actualy my sponser have not work as per my agreement work,then i tell him if u have not work pls send me back but he was no agree to send,that resune i was runway from there,i want go to my country,without police,case
    Sir pls give me right suggestio as possible,its very kinds

  36. Rocky
    March 27, 2013 at 12:24 am

    Is there any way to check if the family visa is issued or not without the application no I have only iqama no.
    Please help me….i would greatly appreciate that

  37. saba shahid
    April 1, 2013 at 8:01 am

    assalamolaikum! im saba my husband went ksa in 29 nov.2011. but kafeeldid not issue him iqama because he is in the red signal but kafeel give him a transfer letter but he is still failed to get iqama from other kafeel now he want to leave ksa tell me please how would he get exit from there since we are very worried about it.???

  38. April 7, 2013 at 7:04 pm

    lm sri lankan.my sponser is albike.now im 2 year came to out side.that time they told me you want to pay sr.8000.but we are poor people.how me pay to 8000.so lm give to too much medical report.after they told me you go to out side and no need to my service.now my mind all redeay sick.please i need to go my country.lm all ready regester in sri lankan embessy in jeddah.

  39. joe
    April 8, 2013 at 9:25 pm

    I am a young man born in Saudi Arabia have a residence permit and sexual name: resident. I do not have a passport. I am a foreigner in Saudi Arabia is made ​​very much in demand to resort to developed nations, but did not get the approval or replies reason for plugging my passport and my qualifications Scholastic to Atahlna to piece I want to get out of Saudi Arabia, even if illegal Btaigah
    Note: I have talked to: Ministry of the Interior – General Passports Department – Office of Human Rights – public services offices = No one can help
    I want a solution to get out of Saudi Arabia

  40. CobraSVT
    April 10, 2013 at 9:30 pm

    I am going to exit KSA and return with a new sponsor. My question is do I have to transfer my personal car to another person before I exit? I don;t want to sell my car and plan to have it transferred again to my name once I come back.

    Thanks in advanced…


  41. anjela de torres
    April 12, 2013 at 7:26 am

    I have been working here as a dentist for the past 5 months. I found out that my compnay is on the yellow line and my iqama has not yet been processed. I am trying to transfer to Riyadh. I submitted my one month notice fo resignation but my company didnt accept it but it is written in my contract that I can give a month’s notice. How can I exit Saudi on my own if they do not grant me my release?
    I would like to leave then come back to Saudi with a new employer and company of good status.

  42. Azharuddin
    April 20, 2013 at 4:38 am

    I am an Indian and have been in Saudi Arabia with one sponsor for a long time. Every year I used to pay huge amount to renew my Iqama and at times in between he used to call me for money and I was helpless and used to pay him. This year 45 days before my Iqama expiry ( my Iqama expired on 4th April 2013)I went to my sponsor for renewal and he straight away asked me to pay 13000 riyals to renew my Iqama and I wasn’t having that money so I requested him to stamp final exit and I will leave Saudi Arabia. He agreed and he took my Iqama and on the photocopy (Warga) of my Iqama he wrote something in Arabic stating that I am leaving on final exit. After some days I contacted him again to know if he have stamped exit on my passport, he told me he will stamp it and give me my passport. Days passed by and he did not stamped final exit and one of my friend suggested me to go to Jawazat to check the status of my passport and there I found he have put me on Haroob (Absconding) case on me. Again I contacted him and he asked me to pay 5000 riyals to remove haroob and stamp final exit and out of desperation I paid him the money but he did not removed absconding case against me. I am financially broke now and only desire is to leave this country legally without going to Tehreel and I need help and will be grateful if you. My email: azharuddin_in@hotmail.com

  43. Ahmed Ishfaq
    April 24, 2013 at 3:37 am

    I am an overstayer in the kingdom. I came last year in june when my sponsor sent me a business visa and committed to me that they will convert it into a working visa using their influence. My business visa expired in august last year and i told my sponsor that it is better for me to leave but he insisted me to stay. Finally when my visa was expired i was upto the Mercy of Allah. Since then he has been unable to make the conversion and every week a new story is brought up. I ask him for the passport and he says it is with the government for processing.
    Finally he told me that he needs my certificates to get the job done and then after a few weeks, he said that i require my certificates to be attested from Saudi Consulate and Saudi Cultural Attache from my home country. Now i realize that it is mere words without any action.
    Kindly advice what i should do in this scenerio and how can i leave this country.

  44. imran
    May 1, 2013 at 12:14 am

    Aslkm ,
    This is imran from Pakistan and I have one quarry about how to go my home country ….my passport is with the kafeel and I work with him for 3 to 4 months and then I had problems with him so I left him and I was working outside from last 3years but the problem is that I don’t take the Iqhama from him and I’m in blacklist (hurof)..so is there any way that I can go home….??

  45. dipak
    May 5, 2013 at 2:40 am

    I completed my 21 months service and want to go for final exit with a NOC. Company is willing to give me NOC. mY QUESTION IS it possible to come back to saudi with a new visa if You exit before 2 years of contract.

  46. dev
    May 9, 2013 at 11:52 pm

    i am from india i came here in job visa its 10 day up i am not interested with this company i am the only one employee in this company i dint apply for iquamma i need to go back to india what is procedure i spoke with my company but they dint respond ma quarries lz help me

  47. asharaf
    May 10, 2013 at 10:52 pm


  48. juhi
    May 18, 2013 at 10:47 pm

    Hi. Please reply me. I have this saudi council issue where its still not ready yet that makes me unable to proceed to my iqama application. My visa just expired only and im leaving next month. Do you think Im able to fly and come back?what should I do?

  49. mohamed
    June 1, 2013 at 10:09 pm

    assalamu alaikum,
    my friend go to saudi arabia for house driver job,he did not like the job then he came to makkah and come to india without his passport as he come to umrah then he lost the passport,again he go to saudi with new passport they did not let him to go inside the saudi arabia then they write in the passport mahfi and some numbers,there is any problem in go to any other gulf country,please give me the reply,
    thank you

  50. June 3, 2013 at 6:42 pm

    dEAR aLL, I would like to sincerely share my bad experience with one of the Manpower Company in Saudi Arabia Eastern Province by name Mohammed Al Zoabi Corp. (MAZCO). This company exploits its employees by delay in payment of salary, Provide cheap airline ticket with multiple transits points instead of providing direct flight ticket, vacation schedule problem, delay / hold in paying vacation amount, not paying End of Service benefits, etc. So I advise all my friends who are seeking job in this company to think again before taking final decision.

  51. jack
    June 3, 2013 at 10:42 pm

    hi i have a question how can i renew my wifes iquama if her sponsor put a case on her which is run away we have a 4 year old boy please can any one help what to do where to go?

  52. jack
    June 3, 2013 at 10:54 pm

    my wife iquama has been expired for almost 4 years and her sponsor put a run away case on her now i want to renew her iquma or trasfer her to my sposorship or i want to send them home we have our 4 years old kid im we are from the phillipines what should i do or where should i go to fix this problems we already spend 20k SR and nothing happen please can anyone advice me on what to do…

  53. amjad ali
    June 15, 2013 at 5:37 pm

    Iwant to leave the country saudi arabia currently my passport in ministry of itiriore

  54. abdallah
    June 16, 2013 at 1:49 am

    I have been in Saudi for a visit for almost 9 month and finally i am leaving, i booked a ticket and my flight is leaving on 1 day after my visit visa expiry, please advice will there be any problems on exit. Thank you in advance this is really helpful blog keep up bro!!

  55. vinoth
    June 17, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    dear sir,

    i get my exit visa ,my sponsor tell me to drive car for two week i have license mean time any accident occurs this will affect me and please advice me shall i drive the car,

  56. mohamed
    June 23, 2013 at 6:15 am

    hi i am an american and i have lost my iqama and i have to leave as soon as possible for college so what to do.
    can i exit saudi arabia without an iqama.

    • mohamed
      June 23, 2013 at 6:17 am

      i forgot to mention that i am a student not a worker so my father is my sponsor.

  57. mohamed
    June 23, 2013 at 11:23 am

    hi i am a student and i lst my iqama and i have to leave for college as soon as possible

  58. mohamed
    June 23, 2013 at 11:24 am

    hi i am a student and i lost my iqama is there any way to leave ksa for college without trouble.

  59. adil
    June 26, 2013 at 6:38 pm

    dear sir, i am from india working in a company in ksa, i want to go out of this co. bcoz the company assigned me for diff work, and my designation is different. if i go on leave then can i come back to saudi arabia or not. after how much time i can come to KSA on another company’s visa.

  60. rashed
    June 29, 2013 at 10:24 pm

    I am rashed from Bangladesh. One of my relative has been in jail for two months for his illegal passport. He is not been punished yet. I want to know what kind of punishment do saudia have for this kind of illegal activities?

    June 30, 2013 at 6:06 pm

    we are Canadians, and stuck in Saudi with expired iqamas 10 days now and sponsor is not responding. We have to leave the country as I have a job abroad and I will lose it. We are staying in a hotel and no one is helping. Canadian embassy said they cant help. we are in khobar and tried to leave through airport and Bahrain causeways they wouldn’t do it. please help us we have to get out !

  62. Sohail Ahmed
    July 6, 2013 at 4:30 am

    hi , I am working in saudi arabia from 10 month ,but now i have some family problem my dad is sick and i have to go, i am now working in sakaka al jouf , my sponsor is ready to send me riyad my head office is in riyadh. but i dont have iqama , i have passport and some paper can i able to go to riyadh. and can i get exit without iqama. please help me . please reply as soon as posible .

  63. Nada
    July 16, 2013 at 7:05 am

    I’m Saudi girl and I need to get out of the country without my father’s consent.. He want to force me to marry some guy I really need to get out to any country through Riyadh airport because I can’t travel on car with anyone I can’t trust anyone .. I really need help please

  64. T
    July 17, 2013 at 7:01 am

    Hi all,

    It’s been almost 5 months since my arrival in the Kingdom of Saudi, and my sponsor still hasn’t gotten me my iqama. I haven’t gotten anything from him on the subject apart from false promises “it’ll be done by the end of this week” over the last 4 months. My sponsor is in the Green category, I verified that personally using the Ministry Of Labor website. The 90 days of my entry visa have also elapsed of course.

    Secondly, and most importantly, I have asked him for a final exit as I wish to go back home due to personal reasons. It’s been over 3 weeks that I asked him for an exit and he’s again so far given me nothing but one excuse after another as to why it hasn’t been done yet. What I would like to know is what my options are, assuming of course a worst case scenario i.e in case he, for whatever reason, not only does not get me an exit, but also does not give me back my passport. What can I do then? I am a Pakistani. I haven’t contacted my consulate about this yet as I’m still hopeful that the sponsor will inshAllah come through. But if god forbid that doesn’t happen, what can I do? Are consulates able to obtain an exit for their citizens in one such case?

    I do have copies of my passport and the entry visa stamped on it. Your input is highly appreciated.

    Best regards.

  65. Anas Noorullah
    July 23, 2013 at 3:50 am

    Hi. Iam an engineer working at jeddah from last 12months
    Due to excess mental torture, verbal assault & public critisization,
    from my manager & i feel my dignity is being lost.So i have decided to
    Leave Jeddah luckily i have my passport with me & jst want to leave
    Jeddah at any cost, i just want to know what should i to do the stamping on my
    Passport without the knowledge of my sponsor. Please help me please please

  66. Kris
    July 24, 2013 at 8:48 am

    I am in current situation right now, iqama expired last 1434/06/11 or in Gregorian calebdar last april 2013 they made a final exit visa prior the expiration but they have overlooked, I was supposed to go home this JULY and the problem was exit visa and iqama both expired.

    They cannot renew my iqama since I will go on final exit already. Pls help me.

    Is it good if I transfer my sponsorship to the new employer I signed up with. Or I can illegally stated as above pass through he immigration with his “brother duties”

    looking forward for your response, thank you.

  67. Umair Ahmed Khan
    July 24, 2013 at 6:37 pm


    Brother you really doing well.
    My wife Iqama has been expired 4 months back and she is under her father’s sponsorship and the kafeel is not able to renew their Iqama and wants some more time. Now the problem is that my wife is expecting and got some gyne complications and we couldn’t afford the medical expenses here is saudi. I want her to fly back to Pakistan as my family is there to takecare her financially, morally and medically. Please help me how to make her fly back to Pakistan…

  68. Fredi
    July 26, 2013 at 6:55 am

    I have been studying in Whales for two years now. On my summer vacation here my parents refuse to send me back due to some personal problems.
    I have resources for a ticket and to pay my own tuition fee in Whales.
    But i need an exit. I was wondering if I could apply for my own exit ?

  69. Shehzore
    July 30, 2013 at 6:11 pm

    Hey. My father is stuck in riyadh. He has his passport and need to travel urgently to dubai.
    The company is taking to much of time to cancel his visa and to issue a outpass for travel.

    Now i would like to know if you have any alternative way that my dad can travel. And yes Iqama is also expired.

  70. Arslan
    August 3, 2013 at 9:28 am

    hi fellows,

    my name is arslan and I came here on purchased visa, i transferred it to my company when the jawazat problem started in may 2013. After transferring my employer revised my salary as -40% which is really not enough for me. I am a pakistani passport holder. I tried seeking help from embassy and they refused. My employer is forcing me to sign the contract as I havent signed it yet or he will give me final exit. Meanwhile my wife is pregnant and she cant travel. I really badly need to change my sponsor. I have an official offer letter from employer stating my offered salary and my iqama with me.

    1) How can I transfer my iqama without my sponsor knowing or what should I do.

    Your help is much appreciated.


  71. sam
    August 20, 2013 at 5:22 pm

    hi, my family had gone to india on a vacation on the last of feb with an exit re-entry for six months, the expiry of visa as per moi is on 27th august. unfortunately they could not come back as my wife had a knee dislocation and is to undergo a surgery which would require another 3 -4 months for her to walk or travel.
    please suggest me if there is a provision for extending the visa for another 5 months or so. my iqamma expires on march 2014.
    Please advise

  72. Margaret
    August 22, 2013 at 6:59 pm


    Am Maragaret from India. I worked for a company frm 2009 october to 2012 march, after contract completion i put resignation but my employer put exit re entry on my pass port as they dnt like any body coming in new visa with better salary. So i returned back on March 2012, i have no debts or no legal issues in Kingdom but only the exit reentry. Can i able to get back in kingdom if a new visa is issued by a new employer.


  73. prem
    September 1, 2013 at 5:18 pm

    I came on a business visa of 90 days with a multiple entry. I never knew that i had to exit country every 14 days and I was not allowed to travel back to india from airport on the 85th day of visa. They asked me to pay fine in dammam passport office and now i have overstayed to 120 days trying to fix with an agent. what am worried now is, even if i pay the fine and go back, will there be any problem to travel UAE as am having a job offer from UAE. will there be any problem in the future to travel to saudi again or any places in GCC? thanks in advance for ur support.

  74. DeadRose
    September 8, 2013 at 6:54 am

    how to escape if you’re a girl without your guardian approval?
    I’m dying here!!

  75. Muneeb
    September 18, 2013 at 4:03 am

    Assalaam o alaikum..

    I am a student in pakistan with my iqama under my father. But the problem is i am trappedhere in jeddah. My iqama is not been able to get renewed because my elder brother’s company is delaying his iqama tranfer. 4 months have been passed. They are still saying to wait. And due to which my family’s iqama can’t get renewal until my brother’s iqama is tranferred. I have to leave saudi Arabia as soon as possible for my re-examination. I have already missed my papers. I am sick and tired here. Please tell any any any possible way to leave. I will leave even with exit visa… please rply

  76. adnan
    September 21, 2013 at 8:54 pm

    Hi there,i hv a question to ask abt tht i bring my family on a visit visa which was expired for on year but in this amnesty i hv send them back , my question is tht they can come back in saudia or not because of fingerprints,they had given on there first enterance but secondly they didnt ask me for finger prints and very easly they travel to homeland ,but now i hv permenant family visa, so my question is can they travel to saudia arabia or there is a problem for them to travel thank you

  77. nisha
    October 6, 2013 at 11:40 pm

    hi, i am nisha
    i am working in saudia arabia. my baby 2years old and had come to soudia by
    visit visa. now baby is given the exit before 6th october. i have taken the ticket on 12th
    november. can i stay with my baby until this time?

  78. Jayesh Kamtam
    October 23, 2013 at 6:18 pm

    Hi my name is Jayesh and I’m an Indian, I’ve just come to Riyadh and my visa is valid for 90 days, I’ve have to get registered with the medical services but I am waiting for the paper work to be finished by end of this month, what will happen if I don’t submit my paper before this date or I stay longer, and also what could be the solution for this please help me for this……..

  79. wasif khan
    November 3, 2013 at 2:47 am

    Hi, Assalamu alaikum
    I am working in a company in dammam as surveyor. the problem is now i want to go to exit and come back in another visa/company in saudi arabia, but my present company is not allowing to go for exit since last 6 months. in that time the company was renewed my iqama for one year and now my visa will expires on 10/10/1435. now i got an opportunity to go to pakistan for a 15 days vacation through exit re entry,i am actually not interested to come back to this company anymore.when i am going like this(exit re entry) and not coming back in the same visa, how long will take to come through another visa in saudi arabia or is there any problem for coming to KSA ?. also please specify if any other problems.

    please reply as soon as possible
    Thanking you

  80. abdul
    November 23, 2013 at 7:01 pm

    i need help to get final exit. i am under my father sponsorship and my fathers iqama is expired ..

  81. Bibin Varghese
    November 29, 2013 at 4:56 am

    i am working here in Saudi Arabia since January 2012. As per my contract they wrote there its a 4 year extendable contract. Now i want to take exit from the current firm after completing 2 year. But the problem is asking should need to pay money approximately 8000 Saudi Riyal for giving exit . is there any way to get exit without paying money? and i heard that according to saudi government laws there is a contract is valid only for 2 years. then its possible to terminate the contract for both party at any time. is it true?

    thanks for ur consideration advance.

  82. Bibin Varghese
    November 29, 2013 at 5:02 am

    i were living in Saudi Arabia since January 2012. in my contract they wrote its a four year extendable contract . i want to get exit after complete my 2 year . but the company is asking money for giving exit. is there any ways to get exit without paying money?

  83. Aamir Ansari
    January 17, 2014 at 5:16 pm

    Im Aamir Ansari
    Im working in damman from last 5 month im nt happy with my work and wanted 2 go india as soon as possible my akama is nt made yet and my kafil is nt giving me holidy plzzzzz need ur help

  84. Mohammad Aziz
    March 13, 2014 at 7:10 am

    hi,my name is aziz
    i arrived here on a company sponsor 4months ago.I don’t had received my iqama.And my sallery’s too much small than which i’ve signed on agreement.And my company do not have work according to my profession.I don’t want to go back.I want transfer to another sponsor but my company don’t giving me the transfer papers.I m in trouble.
    what to do please give me all details.

  85. Ashok
    March 18, 2014 at 5:49 pm

    Hi, I have been working in Saudi Arabia for 3 years and last month my parents visited me with the visitor visa. My mom had a duration of 90 day stay while my dad visa was for 30 days duration which somehow we overlooked. And they were supposed to fly on the 33rd day of their visit; which means a overstay of my dad for 3 days.
    Can you please tell me what should I do and what are the consequences for the same ??

  86. jamboi
    March 30, 2014 at 1:12 am

    hi , im legal working at saudi arabia, i connected STC internet (home connection with modem and telephone) for more than 6 years. last 3 year i informed them to disconnect and i wait for their action and still no disconnection for 1 year and i paid for that service. then i contact again to disconnect my nternet until they disconnect it. after 3 months i recieve bill a worth of 1,200 SR but its already no connection of my internet. i went to their office and they said not cancel my connection. i complain them to cancel but and they said they will make ticket for cancellation and discount . until now it reaches 4086 SR now, i talked thier manager and my time going their office many times is useless. im planning to go exit? they will hold me at airport of NO ?

  87. Yaseen Shaikh
    April 9, 2014 at 2:09 pm

    I want to leave this city as soon as possible, my sponsor was a lady and she was abusing me through other saudi he was hitting me day by day I am dying here inside slowly slowly kindly need your help dude ply email me yasamplifire69@gmail.com

  88. dave
    April 16, 2014 at 9:03 am

    hi i was in jain for a monthmy company accused me of stealing money which i didnt do ..after a month the police ask me to seek for a kafala/sponsor so that i can go out i paid a saudi 3000 riyakls just to let me out and serve as my kafala..now im outside but ive recieved a call from my kafala he said i need to report again to the police station..i ask my friend if i still have a problem with the police and i found out that i am wanted in the police…for the same case..i would like to ask if the police will search for me?and can i ask for any number which i can oay to help me go out and bring me back to the philippines or any country pls i beg you i am not a bad guy..im just a victim of those people hungry for money in my company.

  89. Sherif
    April 20, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    I am an Indian. I have a doubt. If I go to saudi on Business visit visa, Is’t possible to get the employment visa in saudi arabia? Many people says they will not issue me the employment visa if I go on Business visit visa. Kindly clarify.

  90. Mohammad Aziz
    April 27, 2014 at 2:45 am

    I am from pakistan.I was working an company.Due to some reasons i’ve left company and working out with my friends.i want to legalize my self.I don’t receive my iqama from company and don’t have passport.
    what i’ve to do ???? please help me dear admin

  91. salman
    April 27, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    How can i exit from saudi if sponser not willing to do it. I am having iqama also.But my passport is in my company ?

  92. cali
    May 12, 2014 at 7:06 pm

    I need help! I don’t know if people still use this site but I’ve been stuck in KSA under my mom’s iqama. I am an American citizen and I turn 21 soon. Is there any way I can take my passport and leave without an ijaza because I don’t know of my mom needs to go and get or if I can just leave without it.

  93. giljhon boto
    May 14, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    hi im johnB.i worked in KSA for 3 yrs,i left KSA without exit visa,now i want to work again in KSA,do they allow me to enter KSA ithout any penalty?if theres a penalty….my i know what it is?thank you

    May 30, 2014 at 10:55 pm

    Respected sir/madem
    I am now in a saudi arebia (dammam). I am working as a house driver. Now 9 & 1/2 months finish. I have salary and work problem. Salary given 4 months 1 time. But 3 months salary only he given. 1 month or 2 month salary pending. And work is driving, gardenar, house keeper etc. I want to leave from this house. Please help me.

  95. thunder
    June 7, 2014 at 5:31 am

    I am currently working in a company in Riyadh and i have signed one year bond with them which will end in 2015 only. Now i am having another offer in Dubai. If I leave without informing my sponsor(ie going for vacation and wont return) , will I be able to go to Dubai? Is there any restriction like we cant enter any GCC countries if we leave any GCC county illegaly. Waiting for your reply.. Thanking in advance….

  96. mr
    June 15, 2014 at 12:34 am


    IIwant to go out of saudia for pakistan.please tell me the way I can go out if I donot have my passport.also plz let me know if I have my passport then whar could be the price I have to pay to get me to pakistan.iwant to go by any means.either by oil tanker,kaunch,by road,o4 by air.i have tried my best but could not find any man to help me.plz guide me.

  97. June 15, 2014 at 11:58 am

    Sir. My.kafeel put huroob..i m come back.saudi..new viza..

  98. MR
    June 15, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    I WANT TO GO PAKISTAN,i do not have my passport,i want to go back evan via oil tankers in sea or via launch(illegally)as i dont want to let any body know about my departure,i have made a lot of contacts here but could not find any proper reliable source.plz help me in making my channel.also plz let me know how much money can be spend over this.

    plz help me

  99. MR
    June 15, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    want to go pakistan via any means,my passport is in the custody of kafeel .actually i am bound for 2 years .but i have to go in each and every case.plz give me contacts of such agents who can help me in going back to pakistan most probably illegally either via plane or via ship

  100. rabeek
    July 5, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    hello sir, i went to saudi 4 days before but i don want to work here how i return go to my india pls help me

  101. July 8, 2014 at 5:28 am

    Hi my name is rafi
    I go saudi arab from umrah visa an i overstay in jeddah.. When i come to india from jail,, i saty 3 days in jail,,in jail saudi police take my fingerprint,,
    I want to know that can i go again to saudi for work visaa plzzz help

  102. July 8, 2014 at 5:30 am

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Hi my name is rafi
    I go saudi arab from umrah visa an i overstay in jeddah.. When i come to india from jail,, i saty 3 days in jail,,in jail saudi police take my fingerprint,,
    I want to know that can i go again to saudi for work visaa plzzz help

  103. kalim
    July 10, 2014 at 9:01 am

    i m kalim i had came from saudi by emergency passport bcoz my i runaway i had given finger prints etc to jawwazat deprtmnt and purchased my owned ticket and come back thanks to GOD in sept. 2011. but now i want to go again to saudi on a job but i dont know the period of baned after how many years can i go plz tell me

  104. David
    July 12, 2014 at 6:42 pm

    My name is David. … Am working in Saudi for moreover 5 year’s. . I have some problem s now and I have to retu back to my hometown ie India. Pls tell me what can I do…??,,

  105. July 13, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    Dear sir,
    can you help me am national of Pakistani citizen of Pakistani live in Saudi Arabia. and working in travel agent.am like travel to Dubai you tell me i need visa or not need visa .onaraivel visa.plz tell me.asd soon as posebalave . am waiting

  106. Akeno
    July 14, 2014 at 1:03 pm

    How could I get immunity and access to travil out of Saudi Arabia – Riyadh , I’m 30 years old saudi women who have been suffered of been raped and abused and threatened by gun by my family for living against the family customs. I want to ask human rights to provide away or guide me to get out of my country ( restrictions in my country not allow any women to travel without guardian permission which I can’t have)

    Waiting for your kind reply,

  107. Maaz
    July 21, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    Dear Admin,

    My business visa is to expire on 25th July and my sponsor scheduled my return flight on 26th.I will be overstaying it seems , but my sponsor is talking about some grace period which i can avail at airport provided i exit within three days of my visa expiry date.

    Now i don’t buy this grace period stuff , but need your expert advice on this.As a backup i booked another flight before 25th.


  108. prisoner
    July 21, 2014 at 7:03 pm

    hi .. im a saudi girl and i want to leave saudi arabia for good
    i dont need to explain hoe life is hard here for a woman under this extremely religious country with all the laws of making women prisoners in here .. theres no country in the whole world that dose that except for ours ..
    i jsut graduated from college and i want to move to either USA or CANADA or UAE
    i want to know in details how i can go illegaly of course because in way or another i dont have a passport and i cant get one becuase we women cant have passports unless our guardian ( father – uncle – husband .) make it for us
    i only have my saudi ID
    how much that will coast me and how i can get out .. i want detalis please ..
    i just graduated from college and my parents are not even let me go get a job .. also we cant drive .. cant date ( in case i wanna get married which i dont ) i want freedom and i want to be independent and have a life and a career ..

  109. nick
    July 24, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    Hi. I work in saudi during my vacation I leave saudi and not back. I have reentry and no final exit when I leave. Now its 3 years ago already can I return back in saudi In other employers without problem and how can I know if I still banned.

  110. August 1, 2014 at 6:40 am

    one of my friend from india having problemes, i need help or advise.
    sponsor promised him to sales field in Bakery or Restaurent, after he came saudi for work now he told to work in building construction field,
    after some discussion he demand some amount for give him exit and we paid already what he demand. now sponsor not giving him exit, my freind here in dammam now with passport. so how he will go exit.
    visa still valid, he arrived july 10, 2014 in saudi arabia.

  111. August 9, 2014 at 9:29 am

    i living in soudhi arab
    but my visa is expired please help me indan government

  112. Benjie
    August 11, 2014 at 1:10 am

    Sir what if I have an installment car currently and I want to go back to my country and not return to Saudi Arabia anymore. Is there anyway I can do this without paying the whole amount of the car. Because the bank wants me to pay them the remaining amount so I can return the car.

  113. August 15, 2014 at 8:45 pm


    I m need out pass sir plz

  114. mohammed osman
    August 18, 2014 at 9:44 pm

    I came to Saudi on govt visit visa of 180 days maximum duration was 30 days unfortunately I was overstayed they sent me back from airport. Now and my 180 days will be finished by after 15 days?
    now what shall I do to leave this country officially without any bann or imprisonment.
    it is govt visit visa sponsored by ministry of interior.

  115. sreekumar
    August 21, 2014 at 6:36 pm

    Respected sir

    am from Riyadh, working in a HR company, my company or the sponser is not at all a good one… am from india,, my company is not allowing any one to go for vaccation or exit in proper time. am here for last 6 months. i wish to go back to my india.. if i told this to my sopnser he will never leave me back… more over i had from my co-employees that indian embessy is not at all helpfull for their citizen… could u tell me how could i go back to india,,, if am ready to spend some money for that also, could u tell how should i approch and where for the same

    pls god sake, pls help me

  116. jhon
    August 23, 2014 at 11:49 am

    hi theree,

    im a filipino i applied in saudi arabia for an assistant restaurant managers positon, i was hired and after a few days of working i got promoted into a restaurant manager and my life changed…it was a day ebfore my day off i turned over all the items …cash to my assistant…. before i took the day off… and during my day off i received a phone call from superior asking me to report in my restaurant, i was so surprised because they said i had a lot of shorages and some money was lsot….it was charged to me…i tried to fight and argued but i ended up in jail..they presented some evidences which i dont know where they got those things…and some receipts….before i was brought in jail my superiors beat me up and forced me to write that i admit those thigns bu i never wrote on that paper… after a month the police in charged advised me to look for another sponsor to take me out from jail… so i paid a saudi citizen to serve as my kafala ,then i was out but i never returned to mycompany,until now …even myiqama expired already i enver returnedto them because they wre asking me to pay 38 thousand riyals which they accused that i stole the money…. now im trapped her ein saudi arabia..my mom is sick at home and all she want is to see me….sir….please im begging with your kind heart to help me get out of saudi….i will pay it to you in my entire life jsut to get out from this place….not for me but for my mom….i hope you can help me…

  117. Sreekumar
    August 24, 2014 at 1:48 pm

    Hi Admin

    am for riyadh, am here for last 6 months,, my company is not a good one or does not have any managment.. or the sponser is an uneducated person. am realy fed up with all these, and the most important thing is, these people are not allowing proper vaccation or emergency vacation in time for the employees who had completed their contract..more over no one here is going to the embessy as they say that indian embessy does not do any thing to their nationality… more over if we go to labour court, these people will make more trouble… sir could u pls help me and say who could i go from here to india back


  118. Mercy
    September 26, 2014 at 8:25 am

    Hi am Mercy and Im a Kenyan,i work as a househelp in Saudi though av stayed for1 month and some weeks here my sponsors are really overworking and mistreating me…so I want to leave but without their permission since I asked them I want to leave but they said no…they have my passport but I know where they hide it…so please advice me on what to do coz my passport visa will expire early Nov.. Pls reply via my email

  119. September 29, 2014 at 9:06 pm

    I am Indian my kapil say to me
    give me visa money 2200SAR but I pay this money in india .and here is not a good work I need go back to india . please help me

  120. siraaz
    October 5, 2014 at 11:32 pm

    Dear sir…
    I am mohammad siraaz from india
    I am working in one supplier company in riyadh from march 2014
    Seven month have passed
    My problem is that my wife is serious and admitted in the hospital from 28th august;
    We have three small small kids.
    Dr.has sent medical certificate in my company and saw the medical certificate to my kafeel for emergency leave but he is not giving leave and he said if U want to go leave then give 8000 riyal and go
    Sir i dont have money so please and please give me some legally advice soon as soon
    I wnat to go my home please help me please…

  121. Ravi
    October 6, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    I came to Saudi in the month of Feb 14 till now i didn’t get the igama due to finance problem of my sponsors.what shall i do if i want to go back to India.Evan what the salary told me in appointment letter that also not giving. what i have to do . pl help me my life gets wasted hear.

  122. gani
    October 20, 2014 at 11:47 am

    I am joining last 4 month before in one of the saudi company,now I want to leave saudi any how if possible please reply.

  123. October 28, 2014 at 11:27 am

    Saudi dammam I want to visit

  124. October 28, 2014 at 11:29 am

    I want to visit saudi dammam with
    My sister and my friend sikander bhai

    • October 28, 2014 at 11:31 am

      Azim I am going to meet my aunt in saudi arabia dammam

  125. Need Help
    November 1, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    I am having a visit visa of 7 days stay and I am on overstay of 1 month I have been trapped since 1 month because of my agent in India and he is not ready to help me I am in a very bad situation even I am injured badly and I have tried a way out of the reel pls help me what she I do

  126. Abdul Rahman
    November 17, 2014 at 1:40 pm

    i want to go india but my sponcer is not allowing me to go , so i have contacted a person who promised that he will make my another passport and then he will give me final exit and my sponcer will not know that i am going without his permission , I WANT TO IS IT SAFE WAY ? as i know there will be a message sent to my sponser when my exit will be stamped . so WHAT CAN MY SPONSER DO WHEN HE WILL KNOW THAT I HAVE GOT EXIT WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION ?

  127. man
    November 18, 2014 at 5:24 pm

    I am from pakistan i have my iqama and passport with me i am not working with my kafeel but now i want to go home can i go from here without the permission of my sponser plz tell me

    November 18, 2014 at 5:55 pm

    My Dears,

    My friend had faced a travel ban 6 months back from his old sponsor. He already found a new sponsor and working with new sponsors since 2 yrs.

    pls. help me to know if there any ban (exit-reentry) still existing on my right to travel from Saudi Arabia.

    Kindly advise,

    November 26, 2014 at 5:50 pm

    my brother went to KSA on last October 21st on driving work visa with 90 days validity. Now his owner left him in hills without work. Till now his owner did not give neither Iqama nor salary. His passport also taken by his owner. Now the problem is that my brother wants to return to home country(India).My brother asked to his owner several times to send him back to India, but his owner refusing to do so. Plz tell me possible ways to come out of the KSA. Thanks..

  130. Ankit Bhargava
    December 8, 2014 at 9:05 pm


    I have moved on 19th Nov 2014 to Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia on a work visa. My iqama has not been made yet and I wish to travel to my country due to some emergency so I want to know can I travel to my country without informing the employer and not return. Do I need an exit visa?

  131. SMIK
    December 27, 2014 at 3:30 am

    Dear Admin,
    Actually I went to Saudi Arabia in August 2008 and stayed there for 20 months. it happened that my sponsor did not make my iquama and booked me under huruoob (absconding).I approached my sponsor several times and requested him to exit me or give transfer but he didn’t agree at last he told me to go to jail as he kept me in absconding .so at last in 2010 I came back to india through jail.
    Now I have a very good opportunity and without knowing the rule I gave my passport to agent and it got stamped .my question is that can I come to Saudi Arabia or I have a ban. its like 4 year and 8 months I came from Saudi Arabia .
    I really appreciate you for the advices. Thank you very much.

    • August 22, 2016 at 1:19 am

      Hii. Bro.i m indian I came to saudi on driving visa ..and after 4 month my kafeel told me, give 1000 SAR kafala, and 1000 car installment per month she told me go any where and take Taxi fare.than I told her I don’t want this type of offer becouse this is illegal but she is a very bed she don’t want lisnind me.. After some day leave my kafeel go to another city in al hasa and now I have a huroof… So please advise me how go back my country…

  132. Ali
    January 5, 2015 at 9:56 pm

    I am a westerner and tried to renew my visa but ran into hassles. As a result of this delay, my duration of stay has expired. The visa is still valid for 5 years. Is there any way to rectify this problem . I have been trying for 3 weeks now and nothing so far. Any help if I just want to leave.

  133. Naj
    January 11, 2015 at 7:22 pm

    Hi, I’m from indian nationality.. Once I came to visit Saudi Arabia on visit visa but failed to renew my visa ontime and became an overstayer for a week..
    At the time of deportation I had to give my finger prints on electronic machine and had paid about 200 riyals as a fine to get grace period of three days, in that grace period I left Saudi with no problem..
    After one year of this, my husband has send a visit visa again, when I reached Saudi airport they denied my visit after checking my finger prints stating that you are not allowed to enter so sent me back home by next flight..
    Is there any way to come back to Saudi again..?
    Will it be a life time ban or do I need to wait for a particular period of time..?
    Please advice…
    Thanking you in advance

  134. January 14, 2015 at 5:45 am

    I came on Dec 17 2014 I wnt to escape illegally to indai jst advice me as soon as possible Bcz I Dnt hv a single riyal wid me

  135. shoaib
    January 17, 2015 at 12:46 am

    my mother is sick. she want to see me. I come here saudi here in 5 months. I tell to my kafil I want to go india my mother is sick. serious my father is send to kafil email id my mother medical report but he is not answer. when I tell to kafil. I want to go india. my kafil take my iqama. if I runaway and cylinder to police. can police send to me india. but how many days I live in jail. is it possible. I give my air ticket money. please give me suggestions. thank you. I dont wNt money. I want to see my mother help me

  136. stewart
    January 29, 2015 at 11:09 pm

    Hi im a filipino and doesnt have a passport nor iqama coz i had a problem with my employer and they put me in jail for a false accusations.i would like to asjm your help pls i want to ge0out of saudi my mom is already old and i want to spend the remaining of their days wd them pls help. Pls email me

  137. February 12, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    I have a single entry visa to Bahrain from KSA.
    I want to catch a flight out of Bahrain as soon as possible. How do I go about it…?

    February 15, 2015 at 2:30 am

    Hai sir Ham Ameen from chennai India
    I was went Saudi two times
    I was went saudi first time in 2013 march
    but my bad luck my wife was dead so I was come back India within 20 days

    After that I was get another opportunity from saudi water company as a salesman job
    Then again I went to riyadh in 2014 sep after two months my family land problem so my members force me to come back so I come back again to India

    But I have interest to work again in Saudi because I have more money commitment in my home so I need to fulfill that all

    So pls any one tell me it is possible to go again Saudi
    Pls help me

    February 15, 2015 at 2:35 am

    And I don’t have a noc from company I have only exit paper
    And I was went in sep 2014 -to till Nov 2014

  140. help.me plzzzz
    February 15, 2015 at 11:09 pm

    Hlw …. I am pakistani and live with my I am on residential visa …n had iqqama …I want to go to england alone ….here r sooany problems I am facing as my marital life is also not good …..iI want to leave every thing and want to start my life in england where women rights are so seen by the government. … so plzzzzzz plzzzzz plz help me ….how I get out from thz country with out my husband permission …..I live in Dammam ….plzzzzzz help me ……

  141. help.me plzzzz
    February 16, 2015 at 12:57 am

    Hlw …. I am pakistani and live with my husband…. I am on residential visa …n had iqqama …I want to go to england alone ….here r soo many problems,I am facing as my marital life is also not good ……..I want to leave every thing and want to start my life in england where women rights are so seen by the government. … so plzzzzzz plzzzzz plz help me ….how I can leave this country and go to england with out my husband permission …..I live in Dammam ….plzzzzzz help me plzzzzzz help me GUIDE ME HOW IT WILL B POSSIBLE !!!! ……

  142. Hina
    February 18, 2015 at 4:53 pm

    My daughter is 7 years old and stuck in saudia coz of separation with my husband now she is unable to continue her school bcoz she dont have iqama.I want you to mail me that agent number so i take take her out illegally and bring her back on new visa with in a month. Plzzz….

  143. June
    February 22, 2015 at 9:50 am

    I have a friend that is in the KSA and has ended up w/o any passport or hope of getting it back and was in a very bad situation that forced her top bolt from her job. Currently being safe housed in Jeddah by friendlys in exchange for house keeping/cooking , what are the options to get her out of KAS and back to a country where she’ll be safer, eventually to the UK? I don’t know the middle east neighborhood enough to give her any advice.



    • Kano
      September 6, 2016 at 2:54 pm

      Is your friend still in KSA?

  144. javed
    February 24, 2015 at 4:38 am

    Hello, i m javed,doing job as a pharmacist, i m here about 4 months.
    My kafil not give me complete salary.. Taking 12 hr deuty, accomodation provided 2 km away.
    I don’t want to stay here… Please help me. I talk to my kafil for leave.. They not give me leave… For any reason.

    Please please help…

  145. mark
    March 2, 2015 at 7:05 pm

    Any1 here cn help me go out saudi illegaly?il pay pls

  146. ana
    March 7, 2015 at 4:51 pm

    One year ago me and my friend (guy) were caught by mutawA. Was in jail for 2 days and was released by my sponsor.

    Now my contract ends and want to go home… my sponsor gold me that I cant leave because the case is not yet Close.. is it really true that I cant leave because of the case or they are lying to me?

  147. Javed
    March 26, 2015 at 5:39 pm


    My cousin sister needs to leave Saudi (Riyadh). She is an Indian passport holder with an valid Iqamah.
    She is in a difficult situation at home (abuse) and the father won’t process her exit visa through their sponsor.
    Can she leave the country without a final exit or exit/re-entry? Please guide us.
    She is in a very dire situation.

  148. mustafa
    March 27, 2015 at 4:21 am

    Assalamualikum my name is mustafa i am 21 years old from jeddah i was born in saudi arabia Jeddah i study in my home country and since last 1 year i am stuck in saudi arabia me and my family iqama is Expired i haven’t complete my education please help me out i need to go to My home country my father is ill and retired because of his health problem he was suffering from Brain sevair and i am a dependent i need to go to my home country to complete my education please help me out inshallah Allah will help you out May god bless you i am very stressed and sitting in home with my family since last 1 year nothing is happening i am going with my father to Jawazat Maktab Al Amal but nothing is happening please help me out !

  149. Ravi kumar
    March 27, 2015 at 11:55 pm

    I have a iqama and I have come for work in al Khobar and it’s already 2months over…. but in my country the agent told me good job but when I came heir in al khobar they are giving me different kind of job like cooking ,cleaning, driving, maintenance and accountance work not one many job and the salary. Is very less and I am not interested to work heir. Can I escape from heir like I can take a ticket online and getlost from heir… please help me out admin please

  150. Syed Fakharul Huda
    April 16, 2015 at 6:09 pm

    Hi, I came here on work visit visa which has been extended once for 3 months.My company again has taken my passport the visa extension but till now there is no action taken by my company from the past 2 1/2 months. Only reply that i get from my company is that we are trying. Now I’m worried regarding the consequences. Please suggest me what action should be taken so that I can go home and come back for work without any legal issues. Please help.

  151. khaja
    April 19, 2015 at 10:08 pm

    Dear Admin,

    I have taken 6 months multiple exit-Reentry visa, & in this 6 months I have gone outside of KSA only for 1 time, will there will be any fine from MOI if I didnot utilize the multiple Re-Entry visa.

  152. Mohammed Noufal
    May 3, 2015 at 4:43 am

    Hello Sir,

    Currently i was included in a petty case and i came before local judge for hearing and court verdict.The verdict came and was sent to upper office for final signature.So during this time can i go for a vocation out of kingdom as there was no issue with renewing my iqama and the case is not listed in the system as it is said by some of my police friends it will take one year to adopt the punishment .Please advice on this issue?When i checked in MOI Site , i was able to issue the re entry paper through Abshi account.

  153. H.K
    May 21, 2015 at 3:37 am

    I’m from Europe, and I have rights to live by my own once 18, but as I’m currently living with my father in KSA Riyadh, my father doesn’t want to let me leave, I’ve tried many times to convince him to give me the permission to leave for university (he can get the permission easily in 2 days) but he won’t accept as he’s very strict and is taking advantage of Saudi laws.. my only solution is to run away but there is no chance of doing this without help!
    -I don’t think the embassy can help.
    -I can get money to pay somebody to help me!
    I feel hopeless please try to help me..

  154. ahmed jamal
    May 23, 2015 at 9:43 am

    iqama is not renewed since 1 year and kafil gave up on me i have 2 kids here passport everyyhng with me, how am i suppose to leave ksa?
    I have my mom suffering in india any way.plzz help me out

  155. arun
    May 23, 2015 at 6:44 pm

    I would like to relocate to some other country. My nationality is Indian. I am working in Saudi Arabia. I am single I like to marry a girl who have child. My age is 30 years. Please help me. My email I’d is arunpillai9008@gmail.com

  156. Meher ali
    May 24, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    hi, i came from Pakistan to saudi arabia 25 days ago on work visa of a telecom company. but i had some family problems because of that i want to go back on leave. i applied for leave and they took SAR 5000 as guarentee but now they are not allowing me to leave and saying that your iqama is in process. i have no documents no medical card and iqama. For one week i am having serious kidney problem. I have been admitted to hospital. According to agreement medical was company’s responsibility but they are not giving because final contract is not signed yet. Medical treatment is very costly here and i am not satisfied. i had same kidney issue when i was in pakistan.
    now i want to appply for final exit because of my health issue which is getting worse and company is not paying attention. kindly guide me how to apply for it and tell me some quick way for final exit. i shall be very thankful.

  157. sheira
    May 26, 2015 at 2:22 am

    i just finish my medical now for processing my iqama they said 3days to get the result for my medical.if my medcal result is finish in 3days like how many days can i get my iqama finish..iam 1year and 5 months here in riyadh and only now my employer process my iqama..its may 25 2015 i finish my medical is there any way to make my iqama rush beacause i was planning to exit saudi bfore ramadan please help..

  158. javed siddiqui
    June 6, 2015 at 10:14 pm

    Can I go back to India from Saudi Arabia without Sponsor’s permission?
    I have contract with saudi sponsor of 2 years but I want to go back to India, because in my contract no duty hours mention, giving me contract latter salary in 6th month.taking duty12 hr. No overtime salary.
    Cut money for equma, pharmacist registration etc. I have my Iqama only. So any expert advise me on javedsiddiqui25@gmail.com

  159. mohamedniyas
    June 7, 2015 at 1:21 am

    i am now india 2 year before ksa i am come illegal overstay nitaqat law my passport number b5184899 i want saudiarabia work how to come i am comein white passport india my number 9566675066

  160. mohamedniyas
    June 7, 2015 at 1:29 am

    how to chek my passport nuumber enquiry in ksa complaint please help me sir

  161. md farooque ansari
    June 13, 2015 at 10:50 pm

    I am working in kcc and I have finished my contract and I want to go exit and also I have filed my exit application form. I have completed 3 years so what benefit they will give to me.

  162. Sk Naimuddin
    June 19, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    as salam allaikum ..i m coming on 31st may 2015 in saudi arabia but i m not able to survive here . my health is going so weak and day to day i am going mentally disturb ..i called my company to please let me back to india because i am feeling well here so how could i work here properly but company only said u have to pay 7000SR then u go back to your country .how could i arrange this money to go back to india ..please help me out here otherwise i am going to die here…

  163. Anis uddin
    July 11, 2015 at 9:48 pm

    Assalam o alaikoom,my brother failed to renew his iqama and overstay about an year but finally his sponser sent him to jeddah indian embassy so I would like to know what is the process to go back India and how long it will take..pls reply

  164. Kamal
    July 21, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    Hi sir i am working in ksa with camel ant goats in forest past 2 year .my sponsor not pay salary past 15 month and not give me leave.i want go back my country but sponsor not agree. What i do.please help me.i have no money and no any person for help.

  165. Meera
    July 28, 2015 at 6:11 pm

    Hey my brother in law works in saudi arabia he is meant to leave saudi cos his got his visa to go america on 18 august so he told his boss to give his passport nw his boss has ran away with the passport is there anyway he can come to bangladesh with his passport or is there anything we can do before 18th august plz help

  166. venkatesh
    August 1, 2015 at 8:27 am

    Hello sir
    I want to go india illegally please help me sir

  167. Majid
    August 3, 2015 at 12:26 pm


    I just want to know what liabilities I have if I decide to change job within Saudi?


  168. Muneer
    August 18, 2015 at 3:07 am

    Hi Admin,

    Firstly i came to Ksa for Business visit from my employer but after 3months my employer cannot extend my visa due to some problem then they have given some paper(Urfat Tijariah) for travelling in saudiarabia,After 2months they planned to exit after paying some fine from their self,when iam returning back to home country they have taken my thumb one finger after exit stamp..smoothly i exit ksa then after i came to home country i have buyed free visa and got stamped..so my doubt is,,,I was illegal in ksa so can i go back without any problem at immigration or not..just i need ur sugestion regarding this

    As i reached my employer regarding this,,telling to wait for 10 days to clear the records in saudi jawazat or immigration..It will be done or not

    Kindly need your suggestion

    Thanku very much in advance…..

  169. Ali hassan
    August 23, 2015 at 2:45 am

    Sir, I have Question about my Friend. He went to pakistan with out pass before 2 years. He don’t have any criminal activities or any thing in saudi arabia. I want to ask can he back to saudi arabia to other visa or not. Please sir kindly guide me. He want to back saudi arabia and work here.

  170. javaid
    September 2, 2015 at 5:18 am

    Iam working in Saudi Arabia from three months so I want to go back to India because their is boring life in hotel please tell
    me short cut to escape from saudi

  171. September 6, 2015 at 4:06 am

    MY NAME IS SHAKEER. IN THE YEAR 2010 i come to my india

    India from Saudi Riyadh on fake passport. My original passport is in jawazat. After coming to India many time i send email to my co. To cancel my huroob case finally my
    Company cancel my huroob. I checked with my iqama no iam in green now.
    My co thinking that i am still in Saudi. The truth is i am in India. So i want to know i can to Saudi again in my life. If yes plz advise. My question is my passport is with higher authority .

    • admin
      September 30, 2015 at 3:15 pm

      Hi Shakeer, as long as they will accept your passport for a visa then you are fine to return.

      • May 22, 2016 at 8:40 pm


        As you know I came to India on fake pp and my original pp with Indian Saudi embassy.

        As per iqama no iam in average green after checking huroob. Becoz I request to my co to cancel my huroob case, they r thinking that still iam Saudi only.

        Please clarify me below points.

        1) I came to Indian and made new pp with my original name. How about my old pp which is with Saudi Indian embassy.

        2) can I go to any GCC country for visit except Saudi.

        3) I will face any problem in the immigration in India or any GCC countries.

        4) do airports have strong data sharing system.

        Plz advise me it’s a matter of my career. Or shall I stay in my home country life long.

        Moreover my company has forgiven me and withdraw my case that’s why my iqama status is in low green before two years it was showing in yellow.

        Plz advise


  172. Firdous Khan
    September 9, 2015 at 5:42 am

    Hey I am from India. I am working last 5 month in Jededah as family driver but my kafeel not give me iqama and not my full salary plz help me what I do

    • admin
      September 30, 2015 at 3:14 pm

      Hi Firdous, you need to first talk with your sponsor and if you do not get what you need you should talk to your embassy or the Saudi Labor courts.

  173. Nour
    September 29, 2015 at 6:20 am

    My sister was living with her husband in Saudi Arabia. She went for a holiday to her home country and for some reasons she overstayed the living permission.what the process if she want to return to join her husband again.thanks

    • admin
      September 30, 2015 at 3:09 pm

      Assuming that her husband is her sponsor he needs to talk to the office through which he gained his wife’s visa and see if they can issue an entry visa or if he will have to reapply for her visa.

  174. October 13, 2015 at 7:21 am

    Hi I am a Kenyan guy and got a lady friend who after the boss wanted to rape her was given an exit visa and her ticket. But the lady didn’t want to go home by that time. So she fled the airport and now working illegally in saudi. How can she find her way home now with her passport already stamped the exit visa

    • admin
      October 13, 2015 at 12:56 pm

      If she has an exit visa that is still valid then she can exit using it, however by the sounds of what you are saying it would have expired some time ago. Her best bet is to contact her embassy and ask for help, although she may have to wait for an amnesty or face a fine or even prison time. She should have left when she had the chance.

      • rogil
        December 17, 2015 at 3:55 am

        Sir can u help to leave saudi.im willing to pay.im filipino

      • bali
        January 11, 2016 at 9:36 pm

        Dear admin.from 18 months I am a pakistani national and my passport and iqama is with me i want to exit saudi because i tried each and every thing legally to get a vacation but my company is not giving me vacation. still i am a legal in saudi but i am a runaway now and on any day company will give me a haroob can u kindly advice me how to go out from this place would be very thankful to u

      • M A Alam
        May 15, 2016 at 8:09 pm

        Dear Sir,

        Myself Aftab, few days before saudi police caught me from MOFA by stating that saudi attestation stamp on my certificate from India is fake. Kindly provide me your assistance how I can solve this problem?

        Kindly provide me your mobile number or contact me on 00966503725024.
        Email: aftab.alam9783@gmail.com


  175. Venkatesh Sarla
    January 13, 2016 at 5:10 pm


    I had visited to Dubai in the year 2008-09 and came back to india & lost the passport in India. I got the fresh passport with new passport no. from India & i am getting a job in Saudi & visa also got stamped, I hope there wont be any issue travelling to Saudi, please confirm.

  176. rachel
    February 13, 2016 at 2:33 pm


    I hope you can help me. I am a Filipina with a Bangladeshi fiance. We were working for a very bad company who does not pay workers properly and makes all sorts of problems for those who complains. i am already in the Philippines after my fiance feared that they are going to make problems for me. Because a few months ago i stopped working because first, they did not pay my overtime fee for working in 2 hospitals last ramadan time, second, they refuse to process my final exit despite the fact that i did not sign a new contract my contract is finished years ago. The problem is with my fiance, he is a driver. The company is asking him 18,000 riyals as payment for a bus they had to repair when the bus got stuck in a flood somewhere in riyadh during a strong rainfall. There was also a heavy traffic on that road that day so there was no way he could get the bus out of there. The bus got damaged and they repaired it for 18,000 riyals. Now they are asking him to pay for it. They have deducted all that they can deduct from him salary etc. plus his 8 years ESB computation is only 3 thousand riyals. He already has paid 13 thousand and there is a balance of 5 thousand. Out of desperation and confusion he left the company to look for money but sadly the company has reported him as a runaway. What is the best thing to do? He has already reported to the office but they just told him to surrender to the police. He is trying to go to the ministry of labor but he is afraid it will take one year for his case to be finished. Is it true that labor cases in saudi will take that long? Does he need to serve jail time for being huroob? If he has money to pay for a ticket can he go to his country in weeks time? Is the jail for deportation the same with that of those who has criminal cases? Sorry i have no idea about this and have no idea what to do. Please help.

  177. Afzal
    February 16, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    Dear Sir,,
    My friend iqama is expiring on 24th Feb-2016, he has got his final exit stamp, but he would like to travel during 1 week of Apr-2016, will it be possible or theg have to travel before the expiration of iqama (reason for this delay in travel is becoz he has wait to get his son’s TC from the school), please reply urgently. Very best regards for helping us knew the rules.

  178. S
    March 7, 2016 at 9:07 pm

    I am a Saudi woman (almost 24)
    I want to leave Saudi Arabia
    my father denied me education, took away my passport, stole all of my money, he enjoys hurting me he takes away pictures and videos and laughs about it
    I’m in pain for over 2 years
    I just wanna leave I dont care to where I just wanna leave
    please help me please help me

  179. lhiene
    March 18, 2016 at 3:38 pm

    hi, ive worked in Saudi Arabia for months and chose to go home after being asked to do something outside my contract. I don’t see “exit” from the stamps in my passport, does it mean that I am banned in Saudi and Arab countries? I appreciate your answer.

  180. chris
    March 21, 2016 at 4:01 am

    salam sir

    i have ticket and exit visa last march 17 2016 to goback philippines and after i chek in my baggage i already go to immigration and after i take my finger frint the saudi immigration ask me to stop and he hold me andi ask why he tell me that im blacklist in the system and i ask what reason why im in a blacklist and he answer me (i dont know but in my system you are blacklisted) after that i tell to my company to check what is the reason and after several days my liason officer tell me that no one know in the jawasat office why im blacklisted…please give me advice im really need to go back in my country….

  181. March 24, 2016 at 12:29 am

    sir admin
    i need help to leave saudi without visa….please help me

    this my email ..Ting102780@gmail.com..

  182. Eldina
    March 24, 2016 at 9:07 am

    I want to leave Saudi with 2 small children( we live in saudi permenantly) , Husband won’t give permission and I have no money.. 🙁
    He will let me go on holiday with only 1 child… 🙁
    Was so unaware of the restrictions here.
    There is nothing I can do

  183. Noor Ahmed
    April 5, 2016 at 4:20 am

    dear sir
    I am come from saudi in 2013 I have to my re entry paper but I have to take my passport and re entry paper and ticket go to my friends room after that my next day my kafeel call me cm back ur accounts not close but I’m not to go I take another ticket and cm to india in future I can go to saudI help me….

  184. rodel
    April 6, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    Hi, i would like to seek for possible solution, this is the case: a baby/child was born to illegal immigrant & in illegal relationship here in saudi arabia. what i’m going to do so that the mother and baby can leave saudi arabia. both of them has no documents to present. hope to hear from you.

  185. Mustafa Ali
    April 14, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    Dear Admin,

    Hi, My name is Mustafa and i m Pakistani national and the reason i am writing you today is because i am stuck in Saudi Arabia.

    My story is long and arduous but the summary is that i am a victim of a government extortion. I see no way out and the only person who is keeping me sane is my long distant friend from Denmark.

    Just as in your story, i also have paid money to people, 3 in my case, and altogether around S.R22,000 to get out of here but so far my luck hasn’t been with me. Please kindly get me in touch with the person who has helped you in times of your trouble. Money is not so much an issue. I am an ESL teacher and i make a decent living here even when i am illegal.

    My email is bzbee@outlook.com. Please do contact me if you can as i m a very desperate man here. Thank you very much and i hope to hear from you soon

  186. wilmer
    April 21, 2016 at 1:37 pm

    Hi admin im filipino. How can igo home in my country. I have no iqama and passport. Because my employer is hiding now.. Ive been to saudi lab i take already many hearing but still no developtment.. I realywant to go home now..
    What should i do.

  187. Romnick Serenado
    May 19, 2016 at 11:29 pm

    Sir im romnick i want to illegaly exit in riyadh…i have a girlfriend in dubai she will provide visa for me….my plan is to go to jeddah is it possible to leave saudi arabia with the visa from my girlfriend in dubai?

  188. Hayden
    May 28, 2016 at 9:42 pm

    Hi, I just want to ask if it is possible to go exit from Saudi Arabia and will fly directly to Kuwait for another job without having to go back to my country of origin. I am just waiting for a working visa to be sent to me from the company in Kuwait but I am just concern that I might be held in question in Saudi Airport if I will go to Kuwait instead to the Philippines.

    Your insight is much appreciated. Thank you.

  189. Rex
    June 20, 2016 at 5:18 am

    Im expat in KSA.. i would be leaving KSA for good after 6 months and would like to know if i have a criminal case here that would prevent me from leaving the airport. I recently got involved to a private loan agent and borrowed 30,000sr.. already paid half and wasnt able pay after, its been a year that i havent remitted payments to him and the agent didnt seem to contact me for the past 12 months for non payment.

    Would like to know if there will be a problem when i apply exit visa..


  190. Usman
    July 5, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    I am facing a problem regarding ny work in jeddah kandara.i do went to the police station for my complain butt no one supported me there they said we cantt do any thing.Admin if you have an email just email me so i can share with you my problem there . Pease

  191. ismail
    July 13, 2016 at 9:06 pm

    Dear admin,

    could you please sort out the issue as one of my friend has borrowed a bank loan and if his contract is being terminated/ not renewed in this case can he leave saudi on final exit without repaying the balance amount?

    as myself has met the person who arranged the loan to my friend he said the bank has given the loan on your salary so when no salary no question of repayment so there will be no issue for your exit,

    anyway just for more clarification please do the advice/ suggest what is fair/correct?

    Thanks in advance for your kind response.

    best regards.

  192. Nils
    July 25, 2016 at 12:47 pm

    Sir I have a tourist/visit visa from dubai but I don’t have an exit reentry visa from my company here in ksa. Can I still travel even without an exit visa. I’m currently working here in Riyadh. My iqama is already renewed and also my passport

  193. Neena
    August 17, 2016 at 10:52 am

    Please someone guide me. A person from Pakistan who lived Saudia 10-12 years and now did mistake of giving false cheques of amount 6lacs riyals of his account against investment from Saudi national for any project. That Saudi imposed case on him due to bounce cheques. His company holds his passport. He needs to escape from Saudia. What he can do now?? Please suggest and help

  194. Sadiq Ansari
    August 24, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Want to find the address of Indian Embassy Camps for females in Jeddah where people waiting to go to India stays. Please do provide me the address of the Indian Embassy Camps Jeddah.

  195. Kal
    September 13, 2016 at 3:21 am

    Hello. I’m kal. My friend is Saudi Arabian citizen. She tried to escape home illegally because her father didn’t give her permission.He gave her finger print to airport & took away her passport. She tried to escape for a decade now & felt helpless. I live in other country. She told me she is on brink of committing suicide. I’m really depressed to hear this. Please help me to help her. Thanks for your time to read this!

  196. Nisrina
    October 12, 2016 at 9:19 am

    Admin please contact me on my email
    I am a woman who needed strongly to exit from Saudi Arabia illegally or without the fingerprint. I really need help

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